Effective Learning & Development

L&D Training Programmes

Our L&D programmes take a more detailed look at key skills and strategies, and provide opportunities to practice, test and apply the learning. Programmes typically include a series of workshops, onsite or online and can be combined with coaching and self-access resources.

To find out how we can create a tailored learning solution for you, please get in touch.

Issues, not topics...

Forget prescriptive training on generic topics…

... we tackle specific, real life issues and work with your team to turn them into immediate and positive action.

Build your own L&D programme

You and your learners are at the front and centre of our L&D provision. What you need, in terms of content and method, may be unique, driven by your own specific mix of staff, issues and context. It is often the case that one size does not fit all, and any ‘off the shelf’ is not the answer you are looking for. That’s why we are partnership-focused; we want to work with you (and your learners) to design something that is special, and exactly fit for purpose – at no extra cost.

So let’s start with what you want to achieve, and why, and take it from there….

Our programme building blocks:

As IKEA know, it can be fun building your own; you made it, you own it, and it works for you.





templates & frameworks


audios / podcasts

e-learning resources

Brainstorming Session

… let’s get creative

If you’ve reached this page, we’re guessing you’re looking to really make an impact. So let’s go for a virtual coffee and talk about what you’re after. At the very least, you’ll leave with some ideas – and if you think we’re the right fit, you’ll leave with a solution.

Formats & Pricing

We have a simple modular pricing system, so you simply pay for the programme components (workshops, coaching, etc).

On-site or online

Zoom, Teams, Webex, etc…we’re experienced with all the popular platforms, and happy to work with whichever you choose – and now we’re available to run programmes on site: it’s great to be back!

We are equally happy providing any programme or workshop on-site or on line – and even a hybrid blend of the two. The choice is yours…

what makes us

Issues, not topics

Forget prescriptive training on generic topics…

... we tackle specific, real life issues and work with your team to turn them into immediate and positive action.

Always applied

Our programmes deliver the core learning efficiently to allow plenty of time for practical application and practice. Participants are actively immersed in the learning and its relevance to their working world.

Tailored & Flexible Learning

Before, during and after the programme.

We know everyone has different needs and learning preferences, so every programme is planned to fit and adapted as needed.

Don’t just take our word for it...

... listen to the views of a recent participant on a tailored 'micro' MDP... covering managing performance, giving & receiving feedback and managing challenging conversations.

Different topics each session allows for good focus each time… and allowed time to consider what we learned and how to apply it, before moving on to the next session. I liked that the course didn’t look at ‘traditional’ management training techniques eg. presentations and instead gave us incredibly sensible and useful advice and tools for self-improvement / for encouraging improvement in others.

Alex Monroe company logo

it was really good, well balanced, and it’s great to have the pods as a reminder/ to support ongoing L&D with this topic.

Weaver Vale Housing Trust company logo

The training you designed for us was pitch perfect. Strengths based, empowering and fun. All 30 sessions, including the one I attended, were delivered with aplomb.

Waverly Borough Council company logo

Well considered & thought through areas of focus which have prompted many discussions between attendees and senior management.

Alex Monroe company logo

Dynamic presentation style. Practical tips explained quickly and effectively. I thought it was spot on and covered a lot of ground in a short length of time. The session was straight to the point, which was great.

Bumblebee Conservation Trust company logo

It was inspirational It was invigorating I put what I learned to practical use

Alex Monroe company logo

Don't like to email?...
That's ok. We love to pick up the phone.

... Or you can message us on whatsapp.

We'd love to e-meet you... let’s go for a virtual coffee :)

For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.

Cumbria Museums Consortium (CMC) client logo
Bentley Motors client logo
Merseytravel client logo
Octagon Theatre client logo
NHS England client logo
University of Derby client logo
Bumblebee Conservation Trust client logo
LiveWire client logo
Alex Monroe client logo
Arc Hospitality client logo
Weaver Vale Housing Trust client logo
AQA client logo
West Lancashire Borough Council client logo