Motivation & Commitment

Top Ten Tips on...

Making and breaking habits - what do you need? Know your reasons, then how to replace the bad ones, and reinforce and repeat the good ones

Book Review:

by R H Thaler & C R Sunstein

This book started the Nudge Theory movement, and is a fantastic read, full of eye watering examples to show how non-rational most of us are…

Top Ten Tips on...

nudge theory... How an understanding of human behaviour – how we act, and why – can help you ‘nudge’ people towards or away from particular choices and outcomes…

Top Ten Tips on...

Six key drivers, and four key inhibitors, that will determine how successfully motivated you are...and how you can support other's motivation

'Fruit, Postcard, Keyring'

stickability... How three physical props, acting as metaphors, can significantly encourage and support individual development and change, and at the same time challenge and test commitment, honesty, teamwork and leadership

Top Ten Tips on...

How to personally make the best of any difficult situation, and be better prepared for the next one…

Top Ten Tips on...

How to encourage high performance and reward it - and also how to prevent it becoming a liability rather than an asset...