Effective Learning & Development

Self-access learning resources for professional development

We have a growing library of over 300 self-access L&D resources, including videos, podcasts, templates, worksheets, powerpoint decks, and much more... This allows us to tailor a self-acces or hybrid learning solution that fits your business perfectly.

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8 May 2023

Fruit, Postcard, Keyring
stickability... How three physical props, acting as metaphors, can significantly encourage and support individual development and change, and at the same time challenge and test commitment, honesty, teamwork and leadership
Fruit, Postcard, Keyring open »

1 May 2023

High Impact Language
How to use language powerfully, including the use of exaggeration, alliteration, metaphor, contrast and appropriate humour...
High Impact Language open »

28 April 2023

Urgent vs. Important
... and why allowing yourself to be swept along the urgent conveyor belt might not end so well.
Urgent vs. Important open »
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Top Ten Tips on...

Ten top tips focusing on the barriers we often have to overcome (and many of which are of our own making) in achieving what we want to achieve.

Book Review:

by John Berger

A seminal book that changed the way people think about oil paintings, publicity and perception. Though old now, it still resonates in today’s world

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