90 minute, half & full day workshops

Business Partnerships
Training Courses

Increasingly organisations are encouraged to work in partnership with others and to ensure both a comprehensive approach and make best use of scarce resources. These three training courses may help you do both effectively.

How well do you identify, establish and maintain any partnerships? what are the key benefits, pitfalls, problems and risks? Do those involved - at both the strategic and operational level - have the appropriate skills and motivation?

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Partnerships Workshop Content


What's the definition of a partnership? What types of partnership are there? What are the benefits, possible difficulties... and solutions?

Key partnership stages

A look at the key stages required to build and maintain an effective partnership, with guidance for success at each stage.

Effective collaboration

Many of us favour collaboration as a preferred style of working, and collaborative working will be an essential ingredient for partnership success. We’ll look at how to get the best from such collaborative activity…

Team progression

How can you transform a group of individuals into an effective team... from forming to performing? Plus a framework for working through team tasks.

Partnership as project management

What is project management? The key stages, roles and responsibilities to consider, and the RACI Model for who needs to be doing what in any effective partnership.

Partnership case study

A detailed look at the workings of a real partnership: its strengths, its weaknesses, and to what extent it can be regarded as successful...

Who is business partnerships training for?

Our partnerships training courses are ideal for those who have responsibility for forming or managing partnerships. In particular the training courses are helpful for anyone who wants to:

 - learning outcome Understand the principles and best practice of setting up and running an effective partnership.
 - learning outcome Be clear about members' roles, responsibilities, and contributions.
 - learning outcome Ensure full and effective integration between the separate members, and between strategy and operations.
 - learning outcome Build an effective leadership team.

Prefer to talk to a human?

We'd love to (e)meet you. Book a video call now and we can have a vitual coffee and chat about what you're looking for.

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Partnerships Workshop Activities

The shortest course asks the group to come up with their own views, working on a case study. Then the key factors affecting parterships are introduced, and tested against the case study work carried out be the participants, who complete a self-assessment checklist as part of the process. The half day course goes on to look at the key skills of collaboration and teamwork, and also how to create effective links between strategy and operations. On the full day course, participants have an actual case study to analyse and evaluate, drawing on their own case study ideas from the morning session.

Never 'death by powerpoint'

We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.

Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.

'Want more?' resource pack

In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.

good practice guide
teamwork & collaboration
reflection & consolidation
your questions (Q&A)
core learning input
your ideas & suggestions
My attention can easily wander, but this was never the case here, largely due to the variety of learning approaches used. Never a dull moment!

What are the benefits of business partnerships training?

Full understanding of what it takes to create an effective partnership
Ability to anticipate problems and either prevent or manage them
Any partnership is likely to be more collaborative
A more productive partnership

Partnerships Frequently Asked Quesitons

Is there a limit on the number of separate partners?

Usually the fewer the better, but just as important is the level of commitment and involvement, with each partner being equally strong in both. These internal factors are often more important that any requirement for equal budget or staffing contributions: where there's a will.....

Does there need to be a dominant partner?

No - quite the reverse. It's easy to assume one partner to lead, and be the tie breaker if there's a serious dispute. But an effective partnership has collective responsibility, and needs to work to a consensus or vote-based decision, rather than 'opting-out' to a lead decision maker. By contrast, there can and often will be lead partners to ensure focus and co-ordination of key elements within the overall partnership.

What's likely to be the single biggest obstacle to success?

I'm not sure we could limit the answer to one factor...other than perhaps an accumulation of difficulties can overwhelm a partnership, especially if working in a partnership is a 'nice to have' rather than an imperative.

Which of the training courses should I take?

The shortest session uses a case study to identify the main essential components; the half day then builds on these, and the full day offers an opportunity to examine a different and real case study, and use the morning's learning to review how well it performed (or not) and why.

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That's ok. We love to pick up the phone.

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We'd love to e-meet you... let’s go for a virtual coffee :)

For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.