90 minute, half & full day workshops

Organisational Design & Development Courses

Design and development are two complimentary parts of organisational performance: the former focuses on structure and processes; the latter on people. How well the two integrate is the focus of these workshops.

In any people-based organisation, two strategic elements are the design of its structure and processes, and the development of its people to be 'fit for purpose'. How well these two elements integrate and support each other can be a key factor in the organisation's overall performance and success.

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Organisational Design & Development Workshop Content

The OD Matrix

A two-by-two grid showing the four key strategic factors essential to organisational success; and why - often mistakenly - one pair of factors get more attention than the other...

Organisational design

A detailed look at possible structures and processes. Both are essential as contributions to organisational success - but which structural configuration is best? And which processes add value to organisational effectiveness, and which simply add unnecessary complication and noise?

Organisational development

How does any organisation ensure its workforce is 'fit for purpose'? Issues such as buying in versus grow your own; talent spotting and development; the ability to fund development and/or rely on self-managed development; and providing different routes to development are major strategic considerations, and all influenced by current organisational provision and 'closeness of fit' with changing and competing contexts...

The development dial

A simple but powerful model to identify 6 different demands for staff development - and how to prioritise them...

Getting the OD mix right...

Design and development are both crucial, and should go hand in hand (even if often, they don't). Here are some examples of getting it right - and getting it wrong - and a case study for participants to collaborate on to determine their version of a helpful OD mix...

Who is organisational development training for?

Our organisational design & development courses are ideal for anyone who has a strategic responsibility for either. In particular, it is helpful for anyone who wants to:

 - learning outcome Know more about each of these terms; the difference between them; the impact they have; and how they should work together
 - learning outcome Take a detailed look at the Design element and its implications
 - learning outcome Take a greater look at the Development element, and in particular the Development Dial model and its implications
 - learning outcome Test their understanding and skills in working collaboratively with others to create an integrated and mutually supportive matrix

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Organisational Design & Development Workshop Activities

The short course provides a general overview, explaining both terms and evaluating their impact on organisational effectiveness. The half day builds on this, delving deeper into each element. On the full day, participants then spend the afternoon working on a single case study where success depends on providing a solution based on the effective integration of organisational design and development.

Never 'death by powerpoint'

We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.

Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.

'Want more?' resource pack

In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.

learning recap quiz
self-assessment questionnaire
your ideas & suggestions
paired activities
‘real life’ casework
core learning input
The course was over too quickly, and had definitely whetted my appetite. The ‘want more’ section was a brilliant additional support, allowing me to explore the topic further.

What are the benefits of organisational development training?

greater understanding of organisational design and organisational development
know how to strategically plan and deliver each
ensure both OD elements are fully integrated
greater contribution to organisational effectiveness

Organisational Design & Development Frequently Asked Quesitons

What's the difference between organisation design & development?

Essentially design involves structure and process, whereas design involves people. Both are crucial to organisational success, but may not be fully integrated, or even managed at all at a strategic level.

Is one more difficult to achieve than the other?

Ultimately that depends on the character of the workforce. It's easier to change posts than people... But the degree of difficulty may also be down to how much attention is given to either, and how skilfully each is managed, and how well they integrate together.

What are the key skills necessary for either role?

Whilst the expertise and specialist knowledge may differ between the two, a common set of skills would include strategic awareness and analysis; collaboration; imagination, and finding an appropriate balance between competing priorities.

Which of these organisational developmentcourses should I attend?

For an overview - the short 90-minute course; for a deeper discussion and evaluation of both elements - the half day course; and to put the learning into practice - the full day course.

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For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.