90 minute, half & full day workshops

Management Foundations Training:
People Management Courses

A key issue for any manager is how, and how well, they manage individuals within their unit.

People are different, and can change. One size of approach is unlikely to fit all - yet there is a need to treat everyone equally, and consistently. And in any case, how much should a manager intervene, and how much should be left to the individual to manage themselves?

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People Management Skills Workshop Content

Key principles

What do we mean by 'managing people'. Why can't adults be left to get on with managing themselves? And if that's the aim, then what should a manager do to ensure that happens legitimately and effectively. And what if individuals cannot be left to manage themselves? What should a manager do then?

Boundary setting

All managers should make it clear who is responsible for what - what's down to the manager, and what's down to the individual or team? And managers and individuals should be clear about what they can legitimately expect from each other...

Different strokes....

Should there be one management approach for all those they manage, to ensure consistency and equal treatment? We'll take a detailed look at both views, and consider different ways in which individuals and teams can be managed.

Managing relationships

For many managers it's less about managing people directly, and more about managing the relationship you have with your staff. And there is no doubt that a positive working relationship adds value, So how do you build such positive relationships?

Communication skills

Most successful managers are judged to be good communicators - so effective communication is a key skill. Can you provide a checklist of what to communicate, and how, and do you have excellent communication skills, and a clear set of values (such as honesty) that underpin them?

Making the tough decisions & challenging conversations

There may be times when your good management practice is not enough to ensure excellent performance. You may need to make difficult decisions, that are not always comfortable, and may involve one or more challenging conversations. Avoidance is not an option....so how do you become comfortable and skilled in such situations?

Who is people management training for?

Our people management courses are ideal for anyone with a current management role, or aspirations to be a manager. These courses are particularly helpful for anyone who wants to:

 - learning outcome clarify who is responsible for what
 - learning outcome manage the relationship, rather than the individual
 - learning outcome identify and develop essential communication skills
 - learning outcome tackle difficult decisions and conversations more effectively

Prefer to talk to a human?

We'd love to (e)meet you. Book a video call now and we can have a vitual coffee and chat about what you're looking for.

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People Management Skills Workshop Activities

There are a number of key issues to be considered in these three training courses. We begin on the short course by providing an overview of the main issues: what are the manager's responsibilities, and how does he or she carry them out? Each of the key issues: management roles and styles, building relationships, communicating effectively and dealing with difficulty are then explored in the half day course, and then in the full day course, the afternoon is given over to particular approaches that help managers put the morning's ideas into practice.

Never 'death by powerpoint'

We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.

Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.

'Want more?' resource pack

In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.

core learning input
self-assessment questionnaire
your ideas & suggestions
tools & templates
solo activities
open discussion
The course was over too quickly, and had definitely whetted my appetite. The ‘want more’ section was a brilliant additional support, allowing me to explore the topic further.

What are the benefitsof these people management courses?

better undertsanding of the key components essential for managing people
more options available for carrying out this responsibility
more integration, collaboration and trust between manager and team
more productive team, and less anxiety for the manager

People Management Courses Frequently Asked Quesitons

How does a manager balance consistency with a personalised approach?

Finding the right balance is crucial for a number of issues faced by any manager - and this is just one of them. The key is probably deciding which elements of any role are non-negotiable, to ensure consistency, and which have some discretion within them...

How does a manager manage a dispersed team?

This is an increasing concern following COVID and the increase in numbers of staff who want to continue to work from home, or have a hybrid working arrangement. The most effective solution is to manage by results, rather than by location or attendance.

What does the evidence suggest is the main difficulty managers face in managing people?

There is no single convincing answer to that question, but most of the evidence suggest that their main criticism of a manager (separate from issues beyond the manager's control) staff are poor relationships with the manager, often to do with lack of trust, poor communication, and unfair expectations.

Which of these courses should I take?

The simple answer is, the deeper you want to go into the issues, the longer the course should be. The shortest course provides an overview, which are then explored more fully on the half-day course. The full day then provides a range of scenarios that allow the participants to put their morning's learning into practice.

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We'd love to e-meet you... let’s go for a virtual coffee :)

For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.