Performance Management
Training Courses
Crucial for any manager's success is to ensure high quality performance of those they manage. These training courses will help...
There are a number of key requirements in this role: clarifying performance expectations; ensuring key resources are available; addressing any poor performance; and rewarding exceptional performance. All these are addressed in these training courses.
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Providing a clear performance brief
It will be important to identify four key factors that together set out the key performance requirements, and who is responsible for what; these then need to be clarified in an effective performance specification, or brief.
Ensuring essential resources
Setting a clear brief will clarify the demand side of performance; but managing the supply side is important - most performance results depend on the right resources being available at the right time...
Addressing poor performance
Why has poor performance happened? Do you have the appropriate and valid evidence, and what can you do to turn that performance around? Specifically, what should a conversation about poor performance include?
Managing high performance
There are two elements to this: on the one hand, legitimate high or exceptional performance should be a welcome benefit, and recognised and rewarded in some way; on the other hand, some high or over-performance may come with unwanted costs....
Team performance
Is everyone equally effective, or do key individuals carry others? How do you assess/reward performance while maintaining unity and avoiding division?
Who is managing performance training for?
Our performance management training courses are ideal for anyone responsible for managing the performance of others, and who wants to have a clear and consistent method for setting and assessing performance. In particular the training courses are helpful to anyone who wants to:
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schedule a chatPerformance Management Workshop Activities
The three training courses move from principle to practice; the short (90 minute) course outlines the key requirements of setting a performance brief, then how to address poor and high performance; these are examined in more detail during the half day course, and the full day requires the participants to engage in a set of scenarios to test what they have learned in the half day session.
Never 'death by powerpoint'
We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.
Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.
'Want more?' resource pack
In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.
My attention can easily wander, but this was never the case here, largely due to the variety of learning approaches used. Never a dull moment!
What are the benefits of managing performance training?
Performance Management Training Frequently Asked Quesitons
What are the key performance criteria?
This is something we discuss on the training courses. Essentially the chosen criteria should define what the customer most wants or values in the product or service, such as safety or reliability...
What about performance that is difficult to measure?
It is useful to distinguish between hard and soft measures - the former being easy to objectively quantify, the latter more dependent on subjective opinion. One of the best soft measures is customer or user satisfaction...
Why would high performance be a problem?
A number of factors which we will raise and discuss on the training courses. One of the more obvious ones is perfectionism... and, as with all the other downsides of high performance, we will offer ways to manage this effectively...
Which of the three courses is it best for me to take?
The short course gives an overview of key requirements and problems, which are then discussed more fully in the half day option; the full day offers the opportunity to put the learning into practice through a number of work-related scenarios.
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For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.