Personal Effectiveness
Training Courses
workshop outline
We're always happy to customise... just get in touch :-)
Related courses & resources...
Reflective Practice
reflective practice... For anyone who wants to improve their own or their team’s ability to use reflection in a more routine, regular and disciplined way.
assertiveness course... 90 minute, half & full day workshops Assertiveness Courses Saying no, holding your ground, being firm but fair – these and more will be covered in these training courses. How do we respond when put under pressure? How do we want to respond? It’s not about being assertive fo...
Personal Effectiveness
personal effectiveness training... For anyone wanting to discover essential skills, tips and techniques to increase their personal effectiveness, professionally and personally.
Top Ten Tips on...
Receiving Feedback
receiving feedback... The other end of feedback…all feedback is useful, if you know how to use it. This podcast will help you make the best of any feedback you receive…
What if Everything’s a Priority?
'The Prioritisation Pack'
The prioritisation jar is a brilliant metaphor for showing why and how ordering or scheduling priorities can make a huge impact on your personal effectiveness
Top Ten Tips on...
What’s Stopping You…?
Ten top tips focusing on the barriers we often have to overcome (and many of which are of our own making) in achieving what we want to achieve.
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For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.