
A range of short videos, all relevant to L&D, management and personal development… If you like to learn by watching, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel.


This video focuses on the gap between performance requirements and performance delivery, and, if there is a gap between the two, how to close it.


This video addresses how aligned any staff member is with their organisation's practice and values - and what either can do about it if that happens....


The triangle identifies and links three key factors that together make the most impact on customer satisfaction: service, support and staff...


The five essential steps for dealing effectively with persistent and beligerent behaviour - a process that always leaves you, rather than them, in control...


This video explains the difference between a standard and a target, as performance measures, and the relationship between them and the drive to customer service excellence.


How would you use your body language to create a positive impression?... Our tips on how to improve your communication skills through the effective use of body language.