Clean Language
Training Courses
A new and very effective coaching tool, for use with individuals or groups.
In any attempt to work with an individual or group to get them to 'open up' about a problem and offer solutions, it's easy for the coach to play too big a part in influencing both the diagnosis and the solutions. Clean language, and in particular clean language questions, really helps avoid that concern.
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view availability & bookClean Language Workshop Content
What is ‘Clean’ Language?
An overview of this highly effective way of working with others, using language free from clutter, bias or interpretation.
Clean Language: context & applications
Clean language can effectively be applied in so many contexts. We look at when to use this technique, to what effect, plus examples of it in action.
Clean Language questions
Clean questions are at the heart of clean language. These are new ways of forming questions that enables the individual or group to be able to analyse their situation and come up with suggested ways forward that are completely theirs...
Clean language also uses metaphor as a key technique for identifying issues and creating solutions. We will provide several examples of how effectively this works in practice.
Effective collaboration
Any coach has to work collaboratively with their client - but without leading. Clean language is particularly effective in this respect, so the final activity on the full day course will provide plenty of opportunity to use clean language collaboratively.
Who is clean language training for?
Our Clean Language training courses are ideal for anyone who wishes to be as skilled as possible in personal or team communication. In particular it is helpful for anyone who wants to:
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schedule a chatClean Language Workshop Activities
We start with a full description of Clean language, its principles, and examples of its effectiveness. We then look in detail at the key skills and techniques central to the process and its success; and finally provide significant opportunity for participants to practice this new approach, and receive constructive feedback.
Never 'death by powerpoint'
We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.
Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.
'Want more?' resource pack
In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.
My attention can easily wander, but this was never the case here, largely due to the variety of learning approaches used. Never a dull moment!
What are the benefits of clean language training?
Clean Language Frequently Asked Quesitons
Isn't this simply good conversation skills?
We don't think so. For example, on the short course we encourage participants to do exactly that - have a coach lead a standard conversation with an individual - then show how the same scenario is affected by the knowledge and use of clean language.
How does Clean Language differ from other coaching techniques?
There are probably three major differences: one is the key underpinning principle of ensuring the individual or group owns the analysis and outcomes - that's what makes it 'clean'; the other two are to do with the two key techniques and associated skills: asking clean questions, and the use of metaphor.
Why are Clean Language questions and metaphor important?
For most people, asking questions seems a straightforward thing to do; but an understanding of clean language shows how many different ways there are of asking questions, and all with the potential of leading potential replies. Clean questions avoids this. And again, most people understand what a metaphor is - but not how to use it in a way that really opens up any conversation or coaching approach.
Which of these Clean Languagetraining courses should I take?
The shortest course may be the best for a quick but thorough understanding of clean language, its components and its benefits. The half day course may be better if you want to develop the key skills and techniques; and the full day course has all of this, then provides full opportunity to practice clean language and receive constructive feedback.
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For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.