90 minute, half & full day workshops

Leadership Courses
& Training Workshops

Is leadership to do with situation, position, or attributes - or all of them? These training courses will help you decide...

People can have the title 'leadership' without being great leaders; some people have great leadership skills without having the title 'leadership'. These training courses will unpick the combination of circumstance and competence to help you build your own 'leadership toolkit'.

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Leadership Workshop Content

Different views on leadership

How to convert a lone nut into a leader; the power of 'why'; taking the organisation to the next level; and team based leadership...

Leadership vs. management

You always have the option of either or both roles, whatever your position in the organisation. These training courses will help you separate the two, and identify the core requirements of each.

What makes you a leader?

If you want to be a successful leader, do you have to have some innate qualities, or can most of your effective competence be learned? What's your mix or blend of the two? And do you have any gaps you need to close?

Do I have to be called a leader to be one?

How much is successful leadership about being in the right place at the right time? How aligned does any leader have to be with existing circumstance and mood? How important is 'followership' for leadership?

Leadership case studies

4 leaders who all got the job done - with very different backgrounds, personalities and circumstances. So clearly one size does not fit all: what size are you?

Who is leadership training for?

Our leadership courses are ideal for those who would like to explore what leadership means – to themselves, to their team, or to the organisation. In particular, the training courses will be helpful if you want to:

 - learning outcome Be clear about what kind of leader you are, and what you want to be (and if there's a gap between the two, how to close it).
 - learning outcome Know the difference between leadership & management.
 - learning outcome Encourage genuine leadership in your team or organisation, without leadership being in the title.

Prefer to talk to a human?

We'd love to (e)meet you. Book a video call now and we can have a vitual coffee and chat about what you're looking for.

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Leadership Workshop Activities

The short course starts with examples of different leaders and their approach to leadership, and asks all participants for their own views on the key skills and attributes necessary. The half day course builds on this by giving participants a self-assessment questionnaire on their key skills and attributes, and the opportunity to explore such skills and attributes in detail; it and looks at the distinction between leadership and management. The full day version also includes a test of individual leadership through a range of real-world scenarios.

Never 'death by powerpoint'

We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.

Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.

'Want more?' resource pack

In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.

solo activities
research based learning input
paired activities
reflection & consolidation
open discussion
your ideas & suggestions
core learning input
My attention can easily wander, but this was never the case here, largely due to the variety of learning approaches used. Never a dull moment!

What are the benefits of leadership training?

Increased confidence
More knowledge
New skills
More options
Context aware
Trying it out
Learning from others

Leadership Course Frequently Asked Quesitons

Can leaders lead effectively in all situations?

A great question. What tends to make a great leader great is not any particular functional expertise, but through bringing about the best from others, whatever the situation. And some believe different leaders should be chosen to lead in different situations...

Are leaders born or made?

They can be either. Some take naturally to leadership, as if it is an innate gift; some are able to develop key skills and attributes through their experience of leadership. It may be a combination of both - especially if some aspects of leadership are in place, but others are missing...

Is there a common single skill or attribute that all leaders have in common?

Research and the numerous books on the subject would suggest not. If you google 'what makes a great leader?' every answer will be different. But there is one thing that all successful leaders need..and that is - followers...

Which course should I take?

It really depends on your need. If you want to explore practical case studies and form your own view, the shortest of the three courses will provide that; if you want also to look in more detail at the generally accepted key skills and attributes, and the distinction between leadership and management, then the half day course may be best; and if you want to put your leadership to the test through key scenarios, then the full day course will do that...

Related courses & resources...

Book Review:

by Atul Gawande

How Little Things Make A Big Difference: how increasing knowledge and specialisation led to increased complexity and lethal mistakes... until the checklist.
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For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.