Wellbeing Workshops
& Training Courses
Since Covid, personal wellbeing is possibly the number one concern for many staff, and an increasingly important issue for organisations; how to stay positive and mentally well during such difficult times.
Many are feeling the strain, often having to do more with less. This can lead to absenteeism, poor performance, low morale and even giving up traditional, office-based work entirely. What can a modern and caring organisation do reduce the pressure and offer effective, sustained and personalised support? These training courses may help.
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What is it, and who is responsible for what?
Different people will come up with different definitions, and we'll explore these on the short course - and also consider who is responsible for what: what might be down to the individual, and what down to the organisation?
Risks and consequences
However wellbeing is defined, there are lots of factors that put wellbeing at risk, and also a wide range of consequences if there is strong wellbeing, and if there is not. These will also be considered on the shortest course.
Whose life is it, anyway?
For many, wellbeing is a central component of how they want to live their life, not something they create outside of work, but in work itself. From this perspective, there is no meaning to 'work-life balance': there is simply a 'wellbeing life' lived at home and at work. The half day course considers the implications of this, for the individual and any concerned organisation.
Options for action - by the individual
On the full day course the afternoon will be devoted to identifying and evaluating a number of actions that any individual can take - and the participants will rate their interest in, and use of, such actions.
Options for action - by the organisation
On the full day participants will also consider what actions a concerned organisation can take, and these will also be discussed and evaluated.
Who is wellbeing training for?
Our wellbeing workshops are ideal for anyone who wants to create a wellbeing strategy and effective practice for themselves and for the organisation. They are particularly relevant for anyone who wants to:
Prefer to talk to a human?
We'd love to (e)meet you. Book a video call now and we can have a vitual coffee and chat about what you're looking for.
schedule a chatWellbeing Workshop Activities
Over all three courses participants will be encouraged to share their own views, through questionnaires, action plans, and group discussion. The short course aims to establish a greater understanding of wellbeing, and how it can be built or eroded, and with what consequences. The half day course focuses on the idea of a wellbeing life in work, as well as beyond work, and the implications this has for modern organisations; the full day course allows for a full consideration of actions that could be taken by the individual and the organisation.
Never 'death by powerpoint'
We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.
Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.
'Want more?' resource pack
In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.
My attention can easily wander, but this was never the case here, largely due to the variety of learning approaches used. Never a dull moment!
What are the benefits of wellbeing training?
Wellbeing Workshop Frequently Asked Quesitons
Is each individual primarily responsible for their own wellbeing?
Everyone has some level of ownership, but not everyone has full capability to take that responsibility - younger people, the elderly, and those with challenging neurodiversity may all need assistance and support. And modern day caring organisations can certainly contribute to that.
Do we all know what is good for us?
A great question; to start with, all knowledge is limited - none of us can know everything. And timescales might make a difference: what seems helpful now may have longer term consequences that are less helpful. And of course not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to the resources that would aid wellbeing. All we can do is take ownership of what we do know and have access to; find out what we can and work towards gaining more access; and make choices accordingly.
What should a caring organisation do to support workplace wellbeing?
There's no single answer; but a good starting point is to consult staff. Do they think the organisation does enough to support employee wellbeing, and if not, what could be improved?
Which of the three wellbeing workshops or courses should I take?
The shortest course is focused on understanding the key term, and the factors that help or hinder wellbeing, and the consequences. The half day course pays particular attention to how a modern day organisation can do its best to create a wellbeing workforce; and the full day course looks at a wide variety of actions that can and have been taken, by individuals and organisations, to improve wellbeing.
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For workshops and coaching sessions, you can check availability & book using the form below. Pay now online, or later by invoice - it's up to you.