Performance Management

Book Review:

by Atul Gawande

How Little Things Make A Big Difference: how increasing knowledge and specialisation led to increased complexity and lethal mistakes... until the checklist.

Book Review:

by Morten T Hansen

This book is an excellent and highly researched follow up and companion to ‘Good to Great’ – this time focusing on employees rather than leaders.

Book Review:

by Clive Lewis

Poor performance from a different perspective – toxic culture, rather than toxic people; but a toxic culture empowers toxic behaviour….

Top Ten Tips on...

Six key drivers, and four key inhibitors, that will determine how successfully motivated you are...and how you can support other's motivation

Top Ten Tips on...

How to check that performance is truely poor, then identify the causes and address them, avoiding common pitfalls.

Top Ten Tips on...

Five key factors that together, make success more likely, and conversely, make failure more likely if any are missing.

Top Ten Tips on...

How to encourage high performance and reward it - and also how to prevent it becoming a liability rather than an asset...