90 minute, half & full day workshops

Positive Workplace Managing Relationships
Training Courses

Research suggests that wrok-based difficuties are less to do with task, and more to do with relationships - how well people get on together. These training courses will help diagnose the key problems, and offer ways to work well together.

Believe it or not, tasks and people are different. Most employees accept the tasks they are asked to do - that's the contract, by and large. But they have little or no say in who they work with, in any direction - their manager, team colleagues, or staff. And if someone is difficult to work with, and it is not easy to fix - then it may create real problems that may end up with a valued worker or workers leaving the organisation.

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Positive Workplace Relationships Workshop Content

The foundations of a positive working relationship

Most positive relationships rely on three key factors; mutual trust, mutual respect, and either shared values, or an appreciation of each others'. It also helps if each is happy in the other's company, and feels safe and secure, not just physically, but emotionally. These training courses will look in detail at these key factors.


Do you tend towards trust or control? These courses explain the trust grid, the trust-control dilemma, and how much of each is important to you in any work-based relationship.


Respect is essentially a two-way street; it's not acceptable that someone expects respect from others, but is not willing to provide the same respect themselves.

Boundary setting

Part of respect includes appreciating and maintaining desired and agreed boundaries - ranging from where someone prefers to work, and when, to maintenance of appropriate physical space, and to being positive and empathetic to others' customs, culture and beliefs


People tend to get along better if they share similar values, or have some common ground; this may be present from the outset, and help bring people together, or may need to be built.

Values Agreement

Most discussions between managers and staff focus on tasks. This one focuses on what each person values from the other... a powerful tool to strengthen relationships at work.

Turning things around

If any of the core building blocks are missing, what can be done to turn the relationship around?

Case work: induction and poor meetings...

On the full day course participants will work to establish a positive working relationship as part of induction, and then work to turn around a meeting that has developed poor working relationships among its members.

Who is managing relationships training for?

Our Positive Relationships training courses are ideal for anyone who wants to build and develop strong and positive relationships with others, and learn about ways in which to do this. In particular they are helpful for anyone who wants to:

 - learning outcome Know more about the key building blocks that underpin positive working relationships.
 - learning outcome Build trust, respect and value in the relationship.
 - learning outcome Run a Values Agreement conversation.
 - learning outcome Turn a poor working relationship around.

Prefer to talk to a human?

We'd love to (e)meet you. Book a video call now and we can have a vitual coffee and chat about what you're looking for.

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Positive Workplace Relationships Workshop Activities

The shortest course will focus on the three key building blacks, and why they are important - plus the benefits that a positive working relationship will bring. The half day will look at some key skills and techniques to foster such a relationship, and what to do to turn a poor one around. In the afternoon of the full day, participants will get to practice some of these key skills and techniques.

Never 'death by powerpoint'

We always provide a variety of learning approaches in each of our workshops.

Each workshop typically includes learning input from the trainer, supported by a range of mixed media, interactive elements, discussion and group work. Most workshops also include case work and practical skill-development activities to apply the learning, with more time dedicated to this in the longer courses.

'Want more?' resource pack

In addition to providing a copy of any slide deck, we always provide a ‘want more’ section, of curated resources including book summaries, podcasts, downloads and articles.

open discussion
tools & templates
group activities
role play & simulation
core learning input
your ideas & suggestions
self-assessment questionnaire
reflection & consolidation
paired activities
The course was over too quickly, and had definitely whetted my appetite. The ‘want more’ section was a brilliant additional support, allowing me to explore the topic further.

What are the benefits of managing relationships training?

Know how to create trust, respect and value in any working relationship
Be able to diagnose why a relationship may be poor, and take action to turn it around
Build better, stronger working relationships
Improve performance and happiness by getting the working relationship right

Managing Relationships Frequently Asked Quesitons

Surely a positive working relationship isn't just down to me?

Ever been in a traffic jam? Who might you blame for that jam? The reality is, everyone bears some responsibility, by simply being there in a car. In the same way, everyone involved plays a part - for better or worse.

If a relationship is poor, aren't people just being honest?

This is a good example of the difference between personal and professional behaviours. Everyone needs to consider what is desired or acceptable behaviour in the workplace, and behave accordingly...

Aren't some people just impossible to work with?

Firstly, be careful how you phrase your question - you may not mean 'impossible' - maybe 'difficult' would be a better choice of word. Two further thoughts: if you have to work with a really difficult person, you still are responsible for your own behaviour - and they may not intend to be difficult - so changing your approach might possibly change theirs; and be careful of labelling someone as 'difficult'. Are they difficult all the time? Have you ever been 'difficult', and if so, would you like to be labelled as such?

Which of these three managing relationshipscourses should I take?

The shortest course will give you a helpful overview of the key essentials for a positive working relationship; these will be developed and discussed further in the half day programme, and the afternoon of the full day is given over to a case study where the participants use the learning from the morning to either build a positive working relationship at the beginning, and turn a poor one around.

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