It's a fact of life that we all make an impression on everybody in whose company we are - by phone, by face, online, even on paper. I'm making an impression on you, now, and you're making an impression on whoever else you are working with. So = what kind of impression do you make? And - do you care? I guess that, as a professional, we all have to care about the impressions we make on others; we all want that to be positive. constructive and friendly. So - how do we do that? There are really 3 key ways in which we make an impression on others - 3 key elements. They are called L,S, A. These are the 3 LSAs of impression making. L is for look; S is for sound; and A is for act. So how we look, how we sound, and how we act is how we make an impression on other people. And if we do that consistently, then that's the reputation we'll have. If we look friendly, and sound friendly, and act in a friendly way, then people will regard us as friendly. If we look dull, sound dull, and act in a really dull way, then that's the impression others will have of us, that we're dull, So whatever our LSA is creates our impression on others. So here's a handy tip. After you've listened to this video, think about the impression you would like to make on others. How would you like to be known or thought of; if you leave the room, or someone asks 'how's Arnie?', they'll say 'oh, Arnie, he's....' What would you want them to say? So let's say it was friendly, and helpful, and positive. So use LSA to work out how to deliver a positive impression on each.
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